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Soaring to new heights, the review of the Adrienne Arsht Center’s 8cho Miami

by REBEKKAH MAR Thursday night, June 20th 2013, the streets of downtown Miami were filled with enthusiastic frenzied Heat fans crowding sport bars and cheering in the stadium. However, a few blocks away from the packed American Airlines Arena, one could see a group of people rushing to the Adrienne Arsht Center’s Ziff Ballet Opera House for the premiere of the anticipated 8cho. Instead of sporting white Heat shirts, Adrienne Arsht ticket holders clutched their programs and showed as much excitement as the loyal Miami Heat fans as they rushed toward the Opera House to watch the “must see” aerial tango spectacle. That night the Miami Heat fans were not the only winners. The performances were filled with culture, passion, music, and of course, the tango. But it was not just an … [Read more...]


Por LUIS ARIEL RAMOS MOSCÚ, 24 de julio, del 2013 Partiendo de Moscú  hacia las ciudades que integran el “Anillo de Oro”, llamado así porque incluye antiguas poblaciones que representan asomarse a algunas de las maravillas que construyeron los rusos hace cientos de años. Vladimir, Suzdal,  Kostroma, Zagorsk y Yaroslav, encierran Iglesias, Conventos, Joyas, tradiciones que son  gloria y orgullo de la cultura milenaria de un pueblo que muestra a sus visitantes los valores arquitectónicos y artísticos que adornan la belleza natural que las rodean. Al empezar el viaje, el autobús rueda por ondulantes carreteras que parten en dos, cientos de kilómetros de espesos bosques que rodean montes ovalados y pantanos misteriosos que reflejan el alma rusa que evocan las obras … [Read more...]

Summer Shorts 2013

The nationally acclaimed City Theater’s Annual Summer Shorts Festival has returned to Miami’s Adrienne Arsht Center’s Carnival Studio Theater for their 18th season and I was so excited to see it. I must have looked ridiculous as I was literally laughing till my glasses fell off, but I wasn’t alone. People were holding their sides roaring with laughter while others just politely covered their mouths. All I can say is that the performances were refreshing, provocative, and down-right hilarious. The plays were definitely not for a family night out, but for a sophisticated and more mature audience, it was perfect. This was Miami live theatre at its best! Summer Shorts consisted of ten plays, including several world premieres, performed by Irene Adjan, Ken Clement, Todd Allen … [Read more...]


Por LUIS ARIEL RAMOS Asediada por los Tártaros, franceses y alemanes, la ciudad de Moscú  invadida e incendiada  tres veces, pero -jamás conquistada- es la capital de una nación que ocupa 17 millones de kilómetros cuadrados, en los que viven poquito más de 142 millones de habitantes. Referida como la ciudad más cara del mundo actual, dividida por el río Moskvá, se renueva y crece día con día con nuevas avenidas, parques y edificios que muestran claramente su progreso y poder económico. Desaparecida en 1991 la Unión Soviética, se creó la Federación Rusa que agrupa a 21 estados autónomos. Moscú recobró  en 1917, su sitio histórico como capital del país que ocupa el noveno territorio habitable de nuestro planeta y también el noveno lugar ente los más … [Read more...]

Angelique Kidjo’s Performance at the Arsht Center – Medicine for the soul.

by Rebekkah Mar How can I describe my experience of watching Angelique Kidjo perform on May 31 at the Arsht Center Knight Concert Hall? This woman, who has won a Grammy Award for “Best Contemporary Music” in 2008, has been listed as one of Forbe’s top “40 Most Powerful Celebrities in Africa,” and has recently been featured on her own PBS special. Well, I can just say that her performance was stirring, inspirational, and redemptive. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but based on the audience’s whispers that permeated through the room, I knew that she had a strong and loyal fan base anticipating her arrival. The lights dimmed to nothing and then a single spotlight magnified the empty stage. Suddenly, one could hear her earthy alto voice resonate through the hall backstage. … [Read more...]