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One Woman: UN Women song is launched today in celebration of #IWD2013

"One Woman: A song for UN Women" has been launch today in celebration of International Women’s Day. The track will be globally available for download at together with the full song video and behind-the-scenes videos chronicling the song’s year-long production. "One Woman gives us a message of hope and inspiration”, says UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet. “This song carries a message of unity and solidarity with women worldwide and reminds us that equality, human rights and human dignity are the birthright of all of us, every human being. I thank everyone who made this song possible.” Singers and performers from all regions, women and men, donated their time and contributed their talent. They include: Ana Bacalhau (Portugal); Angelique … [Read more...]


Por LUIS ARIEL RAMOS Durante el transcurso de SU GIRA DEL ADIOS, el “hombrecito que nació en las entrañas más abyectas del panismo, haiga SEIDO, como haiga SEIDO”, la ridiculez, la vanidad, el vituperio, escarnio y la arrogancia han aparecido una y otra vez, en cada ocasión que inaugura obras,  que –afirma sin ningún rubor- son las más colosales del mundo moderno. A doce días de regresar al lugar de donde “NUNCA DEBIÓ HABER SALIDO”, la herencia que deja representa el fracaso de quién ha caminado por el territorio nacional, dejando una estela de muerte, dolor y miseria. Las cifras lo aclaran todo: cien mil muertos; veinte mil desaparecidos; cincuenta millones en la pobreza; diez millones con hambre; catorce millones en la economía informal; deja al país con … [Read more...]

Nature in pastel by Ceci Watson: Opening reception July 8th at the Wirtz Gallery in South Miami.

Ceci Watson-Espener, was born in Panama, Republic of Panama where she completed her high school studies. She attended Sacred Heart College in the USA and in 1971 she studied design in Rome, Italy . In l972 she studied Interior Design and Architecture in Madrid, Spain where she received her undergraduate degree. In 1980 she studied watercolors with Laureano Sastre and in l981 she studied clay modeling with the sculptor Berta Cotarello. Since l982 she has dedicated herself to creating clay reliefs, sculptures and some oil paintings. Her most recent paintings have been in the médium of pastels and dedicated to ecological themes and the portrayal of endangered species, particularly those found in the oceans and jungles of her native Panama. She has also won prizes for her portrayal of … [Read more...]


by Adriana Ramos In the last year, a visitor could spend a week in the United States, watching television, shopping and reading newspapers, then going back to their home place with no clue that immigration was a major issue in US and that more likely his next visit was going to change. Today, Immigration is the top topic of any major newspaper in any city of the Country, describe as “The main problem” the nation is facing. In many of the minds of our population, come all types of questions. Are this immigrants helping the country in any way?, Are they truly cooperating with the economy? Are they a heavy weight to the regular citizens? The questions can be found in many of the regular news on T.V., any entertainment host, political magazines, even Senators or Congressman … [Read more...]