My title page contents

Nasty Women Vote

  Yesterday, this “Nasty Women” did early voting. I hope that for all of the number of documents WikiLeaks keeps putting out there about Clinton, they would do the same on Trump. I ask myself; why have they not done it yet? Maybe that could give our nation a true perspective of the "dark ages" we may be heading towards when Trump wins. Yesterday RT Media reported [i]that Assange comments about the WikiLeaks publishing on Clinton emails “is not the interference of electoral process, this is the definition of electoral process – for media organizations and, in fact, everyone to publish the truth and their opinion about what is occurring. It cannot be free and informed elections unless people are free to inform” he said. If this is true, why then WikiLeaks does not … [Read more...]

Miami-Dade County Elections Today – Ideas4Solutions

Coral Gables, FL., April 7, 2015. Today we have County Elections in Miami-Dade. Voting is one of our constitutional rights (1), and we need to be inform of the options we have to exercise our right (2). Some Miami-Dade voting precincts have changed due to reprecincting. This may affect where you vote, so go to the main website of Miami-Dade.Gov and find your precinct location at: Location In the case of Coral Gables the options are as follows: This is a Copy of the Master Ballot – Coral Gables General Biennial Election 4/14/15:ZR:2/23/15 OFFICIAL GENERAL BIENNIAL ELECTION BALLOT CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA APRIL 14, 2015 BOLETA OFICIAL DE LAS ELECCIONES BIENALES GENERALES CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 14 DE ABRIL DEL 2015 FOR MAYOR - GROUP I PARA ALCALDE - GRUPO I (Vote for … [Read more...]

PRESIDENTE BARACK OBAMA: nuevo rostro de los Estados Unidos.

por Adriana Ramos En el Grant Park, localizado en centro de la Ciudad de Chicago en el estado de Illinois, delante de aproximadamente unos 70,000 espectadores, millones de televidentes nacionales y millones de espectadores de todo el globo mundial, el Senador Barack Obama recibió la noticia de triunfo a la candidatura a la Presidencia de los Estados Unidos. En tal evento, se dieron cita además el Alcalde de Chicago y personalidades del mundo artístico como Opera Winfrey así como una nueva generación de políticos que han surgido a lo largo de la campaña, pero sobre todo fue evidente la participación de distintos grupos étnicos como asiáticos, hispanos y de color, así como una nueva ola de generaciones de jóvenes acompañados por sus Padres, que lograron mostrar la … [Read more...]

Elecciones “PRESIDENCIALES” dentro de los Estados Unidos

  Miami, FL. 4 de Noviembre.- El día de hoy se han abierto las urnas a nivel nacional y en diversos estados de la Unión Americana los ciudadanos se han movilizado a ejercer su derecho a Voto. Las elecciones han sido consideradas por diversos medios nacionales e internacionales, como las más controversiales e históricas dentro de la historia de los Estados Unidos, por contar con un candidato de color representando al partido Demócrata, el Senador Barack Obama y por otro lado el candidato al partido Republicano, el Senador John McCain, el cuál sigue siendo calificado como aliado del Presidente Bush. … [Read more...]

To Vote, a civic responsibility

Adriana Ramos Last week some of the Candidates for the presidency, as well as some Senator and Congressman, decide to confront the real public in “Your Tube” debate, call "Citizen Tube". Not only because the politicians have realized that this new Generation is completely tech-online, but because the statistics bring high ratings to their future voters, now each one of the candidates have their own "You Tube" propaganda media. Many of the questions the general public address, were the real problems the country lives today, how to activated the economy, how we can keep the war in Iraq, if the Country should impeach the President Bush and Cheney, and so much important real problems from real people, Teachers, Parents, Accountants, Secretaries, Students, Farmers, etc. But the last … [Read more...]