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Women can benefit from mentoring.

                Mariana Vega. On Saturday March 5/2016, I attended the inaugural Mentoring Walk to celebrate the International Women’s Day, (March 8th). Rendez Vous and Vital Voices hosted this event, and a panel discussion with the purpose of empowering women to grow professionally and become leaders.   Maria Gabriela Hoch, Vital Voices Argentina Honorary President & Co-founder, conducted the event. Natalia Martínez-Kalinina, General Manager at CIC, facilitated the discussion and the distinguished guests were Teresa Weintraub, Managing Director at Merrill Lynch, and Emily Berlin, Senior Consultant at Global Power Generation, SoEnery International.   As I expected, most of the audience were … [Read more...]

Trump against Journalists

  I personally don’t like the journalism style of Jorge Ramos. Some time he seems intimidating and tries to push the limits with whomever he is interviewing, be it at president of a country or a celebrity, you name it. However it surprise me that Mr. Donald Trump, the famous billionaire, as he claims himself to be - famous for his “raw & exaggerated way of talking”, the tough business man of NY, had to have his security detail remove Jorge Ramos from his recent press conference in Iowa. Why did this happen? It was not until someone in the audience, mention that “even President Obama could take the heat, face to face in an interview with the renowned journalist”, was Jorge Ramos allowed back in to … [Read more...]

“ChIPs,” Embracing the Future

by REBEKKAH MAR For centuries, men and women have debated over roles and gender equality. They have disputed over societal and cultural traditions where men comprise the work force while women stay home and raise the children. Well, in the twenty-first century, change has been evident. Women are legislators, mayors, doctors, teachers, lawyers, and soldiers. The main difference is that women now have their own role models. Throughout the nation, successful career driven women, who are wives and mothers, have been speaking up and sharing their compelling stories. This wave of female confidence has been prevalent especially since the debut of Sheryl Sandberg’s novel, “Lean In.” One particular group who has gained national as well as global recognition is “ChIPs.” “ChIPs” is … [Read more...]

En la Copa Mundial Femenina, los EUA se han colocado a la final.

por Adriana Ramos En la Copa Mundial Femenina, los Estados Unidos, se han colocado a la final. ¿Cómo, las mujeres? La historia del fútbol (como decimos en México – soccer de este lado de la frontera-) ha crecido en participación y popularidad en los últimos 30 años, y ahí está el resultado, una merecida llegada a la “Final” del equipo femenil. Para mí, el primer encuentro con el soccer femenil, fue cuando me mandaron a estudiar y vivir con la familia “Smith” en Pasadena California, a un intercambio, objetivo dominar idiomas. Mi vuelo Internacional de la Ciudad de México aterrizo en Los Angeles, mi familia y en especial Caroline me recibieron con globos, era una experiencia única el poder compartir más que un verano y meses de escuela, sería una vivencia … [Read more...]


by Adriana Ramos Who's Rose? Rose Mapendo is a Congolese woman from Banyamulenge Tutsi, a tribe from the High Plateauxregion of eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). In August 1998, a new rebellion broke out in eastern DRC. Banyamulenge and other Tutsi were attacked, killed orimprisoned. Her harrowing experience included the nighttime arrest of her entire familyby governmental agents, the execution of her husband, birth to their twin sons while inprison, and grim negotiations with prison guards to save the lives of her children. Thehorror finally ended when she and her family were rescued from a refugee camp. The Mapendos currently live in Phoenix, Arizona. Since their relocation, they reside inan airy home on a quiet street. The children play basketball in the driveway … [Read more...]