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por Luis Ariel Ramos Periodista Pronto, muy pronto saldrá a la venta un libro que contenga las frases célebres que durante casi tres años, ha venido pronunciando en todo el territorio nacional, el presidente Felipe de Jesús Calderón Hinojosa. El "haiga sido como haiga sido" se instaló por méritos propios como la mas representativa de la limitada capacidad oratoria -o cultural- del hombre que conduce formalmente los destinos de este país. … [Read more...]

RIO will host 2016 Olympic Games

The city of Rio de Janeiro has been elected as the Host City of the Games of the XXXI Olympiad in 2016 following a vote by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Session. IOC President Jacques Rogge made the announcement at the close of the first day of meetings of the IOC’s 121st Session in Copenhagen, Denmark. “Well done, Rio!” Following the election, Rogge said, “I would like to congratulate the city of Rio de Janeiro on its election as the host of the 2016 Olympic Games. Rio de Janeiro presented the IOC with a very strong technical bid, built upon a vision of the Games being a celebration of the athletes and sport, as well as providing the opportunity for the city, region and country to deliver their broader long-term aspirations for the future. This call to “live your … [Read more...]