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Aggressive Ransomware campaign was recently released

A particularly aggressive Ransomware campaign was recently released.  It was observed and mention by several Companies around the world, their IT departments had notified that more than 120,000 E-Mails were sent daily over the last weeks. Ransomware is malicious software that encrypts files and demands payment for the decryption key. In the latest strain: The spam subject is an empty, “Fw:”, with a zip file attachment named: The body of the message indicates that the attachment contains requested invoices in Excel file format. The other campaign was sent with subject “Profile” containing a similar zip file attachment. The name of that attached file is: As always, we suggest … [Read more...]

La Tierra del Sol saliente se resiste a desaparecer

Jorge Uribe Piedrahíta Comunicador Social/Periodista Colombia Pareciera que el territorio más susceptible a la furia de la naturaleza y a la mano devastadora del hombre, no quisiera desaparecer del mapa. Por el contrario, alimenta su sed de progreso y lleva a que cada japonés, contribuya al desarrollo de la nación. Calles fracturadas, idílicos sitios turísticos reducidos a escombros, un océano de barro y destrucción, miles de muertos, heridos, damnificados y desaparecidos, grandes incendios, y una emergencia nuclear por una fuga radiactiva; dejaron el terremoto y el tsunami más fuertes registrados en Japón. El sismo de 9 grados en la escala de Richter, se convierte en el cuarto más violento de la historia de la humanidad. … [Read more...]

JAPAN: The aftermath of a devastating earthquake-tsunami

A massive, magnitude 8.9 earthquake struck the Japan Trench megathrust fault off the eastern coast of Honshu Friday, March 11 at 2:46 PM local time. The quake struck about 80 miles (125 kilometers) off Japan’s eastern coast, approximately 240 miles (380 kilometers) northeast of Tokyo. Damage from this event is focused on the prefectures of Chiba (northern), Ibaraki, Tochigi, Fukushima, Miyagi, and Iwate (southern). The city of Sendai (1 million people) experienced the worst damage. Over 12 million people (10% of the total population of Japan) have been significantly affected by this event. As issue by EQECAT in the CatWatch notification the aftermath of the event is estimated as: Economic losses continue to rise as significant earthquake-related events develop, including damage … [Read more...]